تمور يومية صحة يومية
ساعدت خبرات الشركة المتخصصة في الوصول إلى أهم الشهادات والتسجيل لدى الهيئات الهامة كمتطلبات حيوية للنجاح، ويمكن تطويرها
باستمرار لمواكبة التطورات في هذا المجال الحيوي
وعلى سبيل المثال:
تسجيل الهيئة القومية لسلامة الغذاء المصرية:
تتوافق شركة بيرا مصر للتصنيع الزراعي مع متطلبات الهيئة القومية لسلامة الغذاء م.
Export for Pyramisr for Agri Industry has successfully exported to major foreign markets
despite being a new company in the date production field.
The company’s products have
been well received by importers and consumers in markets such as Indonesia, Malaysia,
and Morocco, which are among the largest date-importing markets globally.
there have been successful early exports to Argentina and other countries, with ongoing
negotiations to export to Saudi Arabia for high-quality dates and their products.
company also aims to diversify its date products according to consumer preferences in
various external markets.
The company has laid out an ambitious export plan, targeting the growth of its exports to
traditional markets and exploring new European and Asian markets, particularly China.
company’s promotional plan includes visiting target markets and participating in major
international exhibitions to achieve its strategic export growth goals within three years,
supported by the efforts and expertise of the company’s employees and shareholders in providing dates with the specifications required for manufacturing and keeping up with the
latest developments in machinery, production lines, and quality control during the
manufacturing process, enabling the production of safe products with the appropriate
quality for different export markets.
عضوية المجلس التصديري للحاصلات الزراعية
عضوية المجلس التصديري للصناعات الغذائية
عضوية غرفة الصناعات الغذائية
عضوية الاتحاد العام للغرف التجارية المصرية